ORGANISATION ID: E10155895  / PIC: 934226983
ORGANISATION ID: E10155895  / PIC: 934226983


19 - The Observation of the Work of Primary and Nursery School Teachers Concerning Universal Values, such as Responsibility, Tolerance, Empathy and Respect for Differences in Europe


Project Owner: Ankara Çankaya Türkan Yamantürk Primary School

Number of Participants: 10

Project No.: 2015-1-TR01- KA101-017640



The success of the values training depends on the teachers who are aware of the importance of the values, the existence of an effective schooll culture and on the school principals who are sensitive against to organisational values. Keeping in these mind we have proposed this Project with a view to observe the European dimension of the values training.

The coordinator of the Project is Türkan Yamantürk İlkokulu and has two partners from Germany, Mittelhof e.V.and as hosting institution and Arda Beratung & Bildung to be responsible mainly for technical and logistical organistaion of the mobility. A group of 10 teachers including School Principal from Türkan Yamantürk İlkokulu will be participants of the mobility activity to be organized and hosted in Germany jointly by Mittelhof e.V.and Arda Beratung & Bildung. While determining the participants positive discrimination for women principle will be taken into account.

The objectives of the mobility are:

- to provide opportunity to the participants to gain experience on values training at German schools,
- to examine curricula and educational materials,
- to create a platform for Turkish and German colleagues to exchange their respective knowledge and experiences and to provide a brain storming environment,
- to raise awareness of teachers and to develop a better understanding on the importance of values training.



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