ORGANISATION ID: E10155895  / PIC: 934226983
ORGANISATION ID: E10155895  / PIC: 934226983

Turkish-german partnership for occupational QUALIFICATION Target group: SYRIAN REFUGEES AND DISADVANTAGED groups in turkey 




Project supporter: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Project - Institute: Türkiye Toplum Hizmetleri Vakfı, Vocational Promotion Agency of the Construction Industry NRW gGmbH, Sequa gGmbHi
Project date: 06/10/2016 - 12/31/2016
Number of participants: 75

Target group: Syrian refugees and disadvantaged groups in Turkey
ARDA Consulting & Education supported the project through Dr. Susam Dündar Isik provided expert support as an expert. As part of the project, the Turkish Ministry of Education, General Directorate for Lifelong Learning, has had the prepared teaching modules recognized.

Project partners: "Turkish non-profit foundation "Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGMBH" and "sequa gGMBH", ARDA beratung & Bildungs ​​GmbH"

Project goal: The goal of restructuring the Syrian economy aims to increase professional qualifications and entrepreneurship for integration into the Turkish labor market.

Project date: 10.06-31.12.2016



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