ORGANISATION ID: E10155895  / PIC: 934226983
ORGANISATION ID: E10155895  / PIC: 934226983

KA220 - Partnerships for cooperation in school education

Innovative Teaching/Learning Approaches

Please find below a list of important links to the project:

Program: Erasmus+ Area: School education Type of action: KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education


Project title: Innovative Teaching and Learning Approaches (ITLA)


Project number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000030265



Successfully completed project



National agency of the applicant organization: RO01 -


Coordinator: Dragomir Hurmuzescu Technical High School Medgidia (Romania)


Partner organizations and countries:


  • ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH (Germany),
  • Cofac Cooperativa De Formacao E Animacao Cultural CRL (Portugal),
  • Özel Antalya Vizyon Koleji Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey),
  • Özel Adalya Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey),
  • Zespol Szkol Technicznych i Ogolnoksztalcacych z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi im. Stanislawa Staszica (Poland)

The application comprises six partners from five countries: Romania, Germany, Poland, Portugal and Turkey and aims to implement activities that facilitate STEAM and gamification skills training in the education system in order to increase its quality. The application is in line with the priorities and objectives of the action.


The application aims to prioritize the area of school education by promoting interest and excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and the STEM approach among students and teachers in partner schools. Prioritization of inclusion and diversity is not demonstrated; the application only states, that the socio-economic status of pupils is taken into account when selecting pupils for mobility, but no clear measures are presented to support children from vulnerable groups.

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