ORGANISATION ID: E10155895  / PIC: 934226983
ORGANISATION ID: E10155895  / PIC: 934226983

Youth Hand in Hand for Clean Seas 


36- Youth Hand in Hand for Clean Seas 



Project Owner: İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Turkey

Project No: 2017- 1- TR01 – KA105-057816

Project participating countries and Institution:  ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) - GERMANY,  - UNITED KINGDOM,  - İTALY,- SLOVENİA,  -CYECH REPUBLIC, - MOROCCO, - ROMANİA, - LİTHUANİA, - ALBANİA

Number of Participants: 33



The aim and purpose of the project: This project deals with environmental awareness, social solidarity, participation and volunteering which are priority issues of Erasmus + Programme. The aim

of this project is to increase environmental consciousness, to draw attention to marine pollution, to inform the point that marine and water resources are indispensable, to create awareness and to

involve youth workers in this process. In addition to increasing the environmental awareness of

participating youth worker representatives, it is also aimed at strengthening intercultural tolerance and dialogue.

Number and Profile of Participants: A total of 10 countries with Turkey are participant in this project.

The total number of participants are 32. 3 participants from each partner countries and 5 participants

from Turkey. Participants are active youth workers who want to improve themselves in raising social

awareness about marine pollution. There is no age requirement for participation but at least 1

participants from each partner must be in the age range of 18-30 years.

Activities: Acquaintance meeting,orientation, presentation of the project, presentations from

participant countries, day-end evaluation meetings, cultural night and institution fair, technical visits,

maritime garbage journal, wall art painting work, festival participation, interviews, photography

exhibitions, fairs, workshops, NGO visit, survey study, exhibition of marine wastes, presentation ef

environmental NGOs, marine museum, Minyaturk and Thematic Aquarium visits.

Methods: Animators, ice breakers, discussions, expert presentation, question-answer, brainstorming,

informative presentations, live and visual learning, on-site observation, questionnaires, evaluation

meetings, e-journal studies, visual arts, interviews, corporate fairs, product creation.

Predicted Results and Impacts of the Project: This project will increase the knowledge of the

participants in environmental and marine pollution, and they are going to share their experience with

youth and NGOs. Through the project, youth workers will contribute to new generations in terms of

raising awareness of environmental, marine and river pollution. This project will also contribute to the

cultural interaction of participants from different cultures and provide to breakdown of prejudices.

Working as a team around a common purpose with the participation of young people and youth

workers will increase the awareness of good practices in our country which is in the ongoing process

of EU nomination. At the end of this project, participants will be able to evaluate the current situation

with the knowledge about Istanbul on a European scale.

Long-term benefits: Participants and the institues will find the opportunity to better understand one's

ownership and as a result of this connection new projects, long-term co-operation wiil be developed.

The sustainability of the project will be supplied with the institutional capacity and facilities of our

Foundation. The data and survey results of this project will be used as references in the work of

participating countries and institutions at the end of this project.



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